Texa$aver Investment Options for Former Employees

Saving for retirement requires more than just deciding how much to invest. It also involves choosing the right investments to match your goals. The Texa$aver 401(k) and 457 Program offers you a broad array of investment options from very conservative to very aggressive, Target Date Funds, as well as a Self-Directed Brokerage Account.

Target Date Funds

The Target Date Funds offer a simple solution to investing for retirement. With a single decision, you’ll get a Fund that is expertly managed and well diversified across a range of asset classes and investment styles based on your time frame until retirement. Just decide the year you plan to retire and choose the fund that corresponds.

Each fund has a target retirement year in its title such as 2055, 2050, 2035, 2030, 2020, 2015 or Today (for conservative investors or those very near retirement). Invest in the Target Date Fund closest to your anticipated retirement year and let the Fund do the rest of the work for you.

  • The investment mix is adjusted to become more conservative as you move closer to retirement.
  • All you need to do is monitor the performance and review the investment strategy you chose. 

Texa$aver Core Funds

Visit the Texa$aver website for specific information on the available funds.

Investment Performance Returns

Investment performance reports are available on the Texa$aver website